Building hospital general accounting system and strengthening hospital financial management 建立医院总会计师制度强化医院财务经济管理
In the view of general accounting, financial controller is also accounting personnel, definitely superior ones. 按照大会计的观点,财务总监也属于会计人员,属于高级会计人员。
In following general accepted accounting principles, accountants must consider the relative importance of any transactions. 会计师在遵循公认的会计原则时应考虑到经济事项的相对重要性。
Students before this general accounting principles and mastered computer operating practice, and related knowledge. 学员在此之前大体掌握了会计原理及实务、计算机操作等相关知识。
Financial Reporting and General Accounting Unit 财务报告和普通会计股
When a manufacturing company uses periodic inventories to determine the total cost of all goods manufactured during each accounting period, the accounting system is called a general accounting system. 如果企业使用实地盘存制计算产品成本,其会计系统叫做普通会计系统。
Financial accountants must obey general accepted accounting principles in preparing reports. 财务会计师在编制报告时必须遵循公认会计准则。
In accordance with the established policy of the company's marketing and general ledger accounting detail the buffets, registered a detail of the buffets on time; 根据公司的营销政策建立核算总帐及明细帐目,按时登记明细帐目;
Perpetual inventory systems can provide more accurate product costs than general accounting systems provide. Manufacturing firms may use accounting systems that are based on periodic inventories. 有些企业的会计系统以永续盘存制为基础,永续盘存制比实地盘存制能提供更为详细的信息。
Manages the general accounting systems that maintain accurate, honest, and complete financial records for all of the Company's business transactions; 管理全盘会计系统,保持公司全部商务交易的准确、真实、完整的财务刻录;
National Committee on the General Accounting Plan of the State 国家会计总规划全国委员会
The Congress has also established the General Accounting Office ( GAO), which evaluates executive branch activities and reports back to the Congress. 国会还设有总审计室(GAO),总审计室评估行政机构的活动并向国会报告。
A general accounting system may be used when the manufacturing operations are relatively simple. 当生产经营非常简单时,企业一般用这种方法。
My main duty is responsible for general ledger accounting, external reporting tax, the flat tax such as the communication and coordination. 我的主要职责是负责总账核算,对外税务申报,与税务等外单位的沟通和协调。
Public accountants perform general accounting, auditing, tax and consulting activities for their clients, which vary from corporations or governments to nonprofit organizations or individuals. 公共会计师执行一般会计,审计,为他们的客户,从公司或政府的非营利组织或个人改变税收和咨询活动。
Exceptions to this policy must be approved by both department management and general accounting. 这项规定的例外是必须通过管理部门和总会计的批准。
From the perspective of corporation utility and software implementation, we'll make a module block study on the general accounting and management accounting involved in the business systems. 从企业实用和软件实现的角度对各业务系统涉及的财务会计和管理会计进行了分模块研究。
Industry accounting research is the appliance of general accounting theory in different industries; 行业会计研究是一般会计理论在行业中的应用;
The construction of modern general accounting theory has its significance in the work of accounting. 为了更有效的发挥会计理论在经济发展过程中对会计实践的指导作用,必须构建总体现代会计理论体系。
In the financial accounting module we'll discuss general accounting system, inventory system, purchase system, sale management system, and stock system, while in the management accounting module we'll focus on project cost management system. 财务会计部分主要包括总账系统,存货核算系统,采购系统,销售系统,库存系统;管理会计部分主要研究项目成本管理系统。
In general accounting information disclosure is composed of accounting report, other accounting information and other information. 一般来说,企业将经营状况、资金运行状况等对外进行披露统称为财务会计信息披露,它包含了财务会计报告报表,其他财务会计信息和非财务会计信息等三方面的内容。
Then this thesis set up a multi-stage dynamic game model about accounting behavior decision on the basis of raising general accounting behavior characteristic through analyzing the Principal-Agent relationship between stakeholders and accounting behavior corpus. 然后,本文通过分析利益相关者与会计行为主体之间委托代理关系,在提出一般性会计行为特征的基础上,构建出会计行为决策的多阶段动态博弈模型。
Discussion of the Preference of the General Accounting Softwares 通用会计软件选择的探讨
Secondly, some account items have to be adjusted in which value creating activities are distorted according to the general accounting principles to ensure the result can be demonstrated comprehensively. 另外,现有的通用会计准则扭曲了部分价值创造活动,因而在计算EVA时,也需要根据企业实际对经营结果有重要影响的会计科目进行调整,以确保最终的EVA能够全面反映企业的经营效果。
The Main Changes Between the Current and Previous General Accounting Standards in Accounting Elements 新旧基本会计准则在会计要素方面的主要变化
The special regulations in our accounting standards are contrary to the general accounting theory and accounting principles, emphasis on service for the policy of the state. These special regulations follow the policy-oriented than the simple rule-oriented, principles-oriented or goal-oriented. 当前我国准则中的特殊规定背离了一般的会计理论和会计原则,强调服务于国家政策,它们更多是遵循了政策导向,而不是单纯的规则导向、原则导向或者目标导向。
General accounting analysis plays a central role in directing accounting analysis. 一般会计分析方法起着核心作用,指导会计分析。
Because of the particularity of insurance companies, in addition to the general accounting principles, most of the insurance accounting has to comply with the regulatory accounting rules made by the insurance regulatory organizations. 绝大多数国家保险会计除了遵循一般会计准则外,还必须遵循由保险监管部门制定的监管会计原则。
Compared with general accounting information, the financial forecasting information has more decision-making correlation, and can reflect the future value of the company. 与一般的会计信息相比,财务预测信息更具决策相关性,更能体现企业的未来价值。